Thursday, 13 September 2012


I have been a little quiet on the blogging front lately, not too many exciting things happening to share here.. Also I have still been having a massive spring clean with the vision of having everything beautiful and perfect before baby gets here.. in reality things are only ever near perfect for about 5 minutes before 2 little boys and 1 big manage to mess it up again- I saw a book the other day that I really have to get..
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So last room that I had to go through was our home office/ dumping ground and as I was clearing out other rooms or drawers I dumped anything that I couldn't find a home for in here and this was the result..

And that only the half of it ! Robbie and I share a spare room as an office and he was originally on the wall that you would look into when standing in our kitchen living area - and yes he works hard but there is nothing pretty about his work, so I swapped us over and finally put up some cheapo cork boards that I have had in the cupboard for a long time..

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I am pretty happy with the result all that I need now is the shiny new Mac I have been pining/ hinting/wanting for some time to appear and it will complete the picture ..  hint to husband
Tomorrow I am off to the Vintage Shed tomorrow for one of my last shifts.. Its always exciting to get in there in the morning and find out the latest finds from stallholders that are on display.
That's it for me today now the spring clean is finished I am off to make a start on a quilt for baby - not sure if the baby or the finished quilt will arrive first ..
Simone xx


  1. I love your blog Simone, gorgeous and down to earth. I just some how came across it, and glad I did. How did I not know you were doing this? Keep up the good work, love it, Viv X.

  2. Thanks Viv- I didn't really get a chance to chat at the shed today ! Nice to know there is somebody out there ! See u soon, Simone xx
